Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What are we living for?

Make sure the thing you’re living for
is worth dying for.

– Charles Mayes

Found this quote and wondered what you were living for. What I am living for. What we are living for together.

Its a great question isn’t it? Can you think about that for a minute. Can you think about this question for a minute every day this week? Answers for this question I believe will change how we live our lives together. Are we living for ourselves? Our jobs? Our bank accounts? Our children? Our God? I want to know the answer to this question because how you answer this question determines how you will live! It is as simple as that.

If you are living for the love of others – you will love others. If you live for your bank account – you will live to make it grow. And if you are living for Jesus – you will live doing it what it takes to make Jesus your primary reason.

This week – check out Luke 18:18-30 and try answering the question. Send me an e-mail or a note to let me know what it is your are living for. 

See you on the journey!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Came, Easter Went - So What?

Easter has come and gone and I am left to ask my annual question. "So what?"

Every year I am left with the question - shouldn't there have been more? More to the story? More to the end results? More joy? More hope? More forgiveness? More love?

Jesus lived for us, suffered for us, died for us and was raised for us. Shouldn't it have mattered more?   Then I am reminded that the "more" part has to do with our response.

Jesus lived- does it make a difference in how we live?

Jesus suffered-does it make a difference in how we treat the suffering in our world?

Jesus died-as a sacrifice for our redemption - do we even know we need redeemed?

Jesus rose from the dead- so we can live. Did we celebrate? Do we celebrate? Do we live accordingly? What are you going to do because he rose from the dead?  Do you live life more fully alive because he lives?  Do you have more, more joy, more hope, more grace,  more love, in your life as a result? 

Praise be to God - for you get to choose more!

Pursuing love - with you!

Your Pastordude!