Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Every Opportunity Is Sacred!

This week I re-read a great quote in Rick Warren’s book – The Purpose Driven Life.  He said:  “The great commission is my commission.” (page 304) See Matt 28:16-20
The quote reminded me that each and every one of us, Christian or not has a mission in life.  As Christians our mission is the great commission – it is making disciples – beginning with ourselves and then moving like it says in Acts 1:8 – and moving out into every part of our lives.
This commission and pattern is easily adaptable to every part of our lives.  I have a friend in the financial services industry who has been talking about this with me even.  He trains his sales people to think about selling to their “whole” world – starting at home, moving out in waves to friends, to colleagues, to those far away.    It is a pattern that works  for other sales people too – and in every industry and in every life.
For us in the church it is a pattern we can easily follow.  We can start at home – even with ourselves.  Move out to immediate family, friends, colleagues and eventually into the far reaches of our world.  It is a perfect and well thought out plan that God has given.  It puts before us opportunity unlike we have ever seen before.  And (thank you Theo Epstein, new Chicago Cubs President)   EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO WIN is sacred.  Every opportunity to bring a family member, a friend, a colleague, or some one you have just met off the street into relationship with Jesus is SACRED.
Let’s not miss a single opportunity!
Your Pastor Dude!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sharing Your Life Mission - WITH WHO?

As many of you know, I attend networking events all over Lake County.  I do so for two reasons.  I go sometimes as a representative of Sweet Sheila’s Treats.  Most of the time though I go as a representative of the church – First Christian Church in Gurnee.   At most events each attendee is allowed to give what is commonly called their “elevator” pitch – 30 seconds of information designed specifically to help people want to connect with you.
I want you to know that i have heard thousands of these “elevator” speeches, most of which I think are pretty terrible and ineffective.  Most are what i would call the “Shotgun” style – where words are blurted out with the hope of hitting something – or in this case triggering someone elses desire to meet up with the speaker in order to do business.
Sharing Our Life Mission is a lot like that for most of us.  We don’t really take aim at a target – we hope our words and our life actions speak loudly and cause people to want to know more about our faith, our church, our God.  And what we really know is that we are pretty ineffective.    The shotgun approach simply does not work.  And since it doesn’t work – sometimes we just shoot more often – making lots of noise but seldom hitting anything 0r we stop shooting altogether – and never even have the chance. (but at least it is quiet)
Sharing Your Life Mission well is really like effective marketing.  Effective marketing is usually done with pinpoint targeting, aiming at specific people, with specific needs, wants or hopes.    Effective sharing of our life mission is done the same way.  Identifying people’s needs, wants and hopes and then taking action to meet them.
So how do you identify who you share your mission with?  You assess your passions and talents.  You look at your five circles of relationships.  Family, Friends, Acquaintances, Fun and Work and identify names of people your passsions and talents can help, then you make a plan – identifying who to help or share with and the first 2 or three steps along the way.  Remembering all along that because you are sharing with people, the path, the need, the hope might change along the way.
Share your life mission – do it today!

Your Pastor Dude -


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sharing Your LIfe Mission Every Day

Does your life have a mission?  Yes.  Every life has a purpose.  Every life has a mission.  The question is (play the theme music) will you choose to accept it?
Will you choose to accept the mission God has for your life?  Will you change your agenda to God’s?  Will you let God be in charge of your life?
I always loved the openings to Mission Impossible because the mission was laid out and then the message self destructed.  The characters then had to decide right then and there whether or not to accept or decline the mission.
The mission is pretty simple.  It is explained in scripture this way:
“Go into all the world  making disciples, baptizing them, teaching them,” Matthew 28:19
“Love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:9
The single, most important way to love one another is to share the good news with them – and the best way to do that is to love them as Jesus has loved you.
To do this requires a special dedication because not everyone you meet will be lovable to our human senses.  It requires a dedication to God’s will instead of our own.  A dedication to God’s agenda instead of my own.  A real commitment to the part of the Lord’s Prayer we often gloss over saying:
Thy Kingdom come, THY will be done.” Matthew 6:10
You have a mission.  Will you choose to accept it?

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's a TEAM Game....

Baseball season is here.  As a Cubs fan – I am eternally hopeful.  As a follower of the White Sox and the Brewers my opportunity for seeing lots of baseball is very high.  I like baseball because it is such a good example of what the church is supposed to be like in real life.

Baseball is the epitome of a “team” game.  Fact is all of my favorite sports fit this description except for golf.  But think with me just a bit about what it means to be a part of the team.   

Every baseball team in the Major Leagues is allowed to carry 25 players.  Each team carries around 10 pitchers and 15 position players.  Every team has an Owner, a General Manager, a Manager and 4-6 coaches, each having varying degrees of responsiblity for the teams success.  And here is one thing that I know.  The team that wins the world series is the team that for one season has its management, coaching staff, pitchers and position players carry out their roles at the highest level for the whole season.    Major League Baseball for the most part has the best players in the world pretty evenly divided over all the teams.  (Yankee fans and haters just be quiet – they all think that the Yankees have paid for the best players)

If I were to divide the church into a baseball team it would look a little bit like this.

Owner:  God  - He has paid the price

General Manager:  Jesus – he has developed the team

Field Manager:  the Pastor – he has been given the task of casting the vision and                                                calling the plays.

Coaching Staff:  the Elders – they are teachers and supports of the managers vision                                                                and the players abilities.

Pitchers:  Deacons – Have specific roles – Some long term, (starters) other short term,                                           (relievers)

Position Players:  the congregation – everyone is involved in every play – sometimes the ball is hit directly at you – sometimes you have to back someone up.  You may be a starter playing nearly every day or perhaps you are a bench player, playing only when someone is hurt or your specific talent or skill is needed.   Every team needs every position filled.  In fact every team in the majors has 5-6 minor league teams where players are trained for the major league teams.  In the church these might be small groups or

Fans:  the world’s people – wanting to be a part of the team!

The good news is that in the church we are all a part of the team.  We all have a role – we all have tasks and just like on a baseball team a member of the team is unable to do their part – then the whole church, the whole team suffers.

I love baseball season.  Come on Cubs!  And I love the church!  Come on First Christian!

Your Pastordude!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Do You Have The Time - PART 2!

Do you have the time?
The time that it takes to become the person God has called you to be?
The time that it takes to develop your life to the fullest, to celebrate all that God has done and is doing?  Time, my friends is the greatest asset each one of us has.   Using the acronymn TIME we can learn to use our time more wisely, develop our time more fully and celebrate our time completely!
T –   Treasure your Time!
There is nothing more valuable than your time.  You get 86,400 seconds every single day and not one more or one less.  These 24 hours are your daily capital.
I –    Invest your Time!
Despite all the appliances and do-dads that promise to SAVE you time, you really can’t save it – you can only invest it.  If you don’t use it, you will lose it!  And where you invest it tells us what is most important to you.  Do you know that most people after all is said and done really only have about 5 hours per day of  discretionary time?  Where do you use those precious minutes?  Do you know?
M – Manage your Time
Like money, time will either be managed by you, or it will manage you.  And of course  ”time” is never really managed – as Steven Covey says in   his book, you can only really manage yourself!  If you are one that complains about not having enough time, just remember that you are the one who choses how your time is managed!
E –  Enjoy your Time
This is the RESULT of time that is treasured, time that is invested well and time that is managed.  As Christians this end result is “being” a disciple, being in a faithful, fruitful relationship that brings joy to our lives.
Time is a gift from God!  Treasure it, Invest it, Manage it, and ENJOY IT!
Pastor David - YourPastorDude

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Do You Have The Time?

I am always amazed at what people tell me they either have time for or not for. Do you ever think about time?  About how you use it?  About how it controls you or how you control it? Have you ever thought about how many calendars you have?  Or clocks?  Or watches?

Time seems to always be slipping away.  We never seem to have enough of it for the "important" things in life.  Our relationships suffer because we don't have enough.  The number one reason given by people for not reading more is "there's not enough time."  The number one reason given for people not doing devotions with their family - "there's not enough time."  The number one reason for not playing more with our children - "there's not enough time."  Over and over again we hear this complaint.  "I would, but i don't have the time."   A whole electronic calendar and alarm industry has developed because "I don't have time...."

Could it be perhaps, that we don't have the time, because we have given it away?  Misused it?  Abused it?  Could it be that we don't have the time because we don't manage our time very well, we don't keep the important things on the clock and let time slip by?

I had a class in college that started at 7:30am by the record book.  But the instructor was always at least 10 minutes late - every day.  We trained well, after two weeks all the students arrived 10 minutes late.  Found out that the professor had 7 kids - all going to school.  We cut him some slack - till we realized that he was 10 minutes late to his 9:30am class too!

Do you have that aunt, uncle or friend that when you invite them to dinner you secretly tell them 30 minutes earlier than your start time?  I do - more than one.    What is that about?  Why is it that time seems so precious to so few and so misused and abused by so many?

A good friend of mine told me once that how people used their time told what was important to each and every person.  I think its true.  Another friend said that people who are late all the time usually are guilty of the sin of pride - thinking that their schedule, their activities are always more important than everyone else's.  I think its true.  The Bible tells us that time, every minute is a gift from God.  How we use it is very important.

So let me ask you this question:  How do you use your time?  Who does it glorify?  You or God?  Who does it serve?  You or God?  Who reaps the benefits for how you use your time?  You or God?    Want to know a great secret?  If your time glorifies God, serves God, benefits God - it will also benefit, serve and glorify you.  If it doesn't?  it won't matter what you do with your time - it will only be wasted.

Time is the one precious commodity we really have.  How we use it either will change the world or cement it into place.

Keeping track of the time....I have to go.

Pastor David

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last time i shared with you that one of my very favorite books is Og Mandino's bestseller - The Greatest Salesman in the World.

It gives steps to becoming a great salesman/saleswoman and you may ask why this is important.  The reason is simple.  Every single one of us is selling.  From Main Street to suburbia, from the church to the coffin, we are all selling.  And what are we selling?  We are selling ourselves.    My friend Barbara Kincaid reminds us often that people want to do business with people they "know, like and trust." And the fact of the matter is this - not only do we want to do business with people we know like and trust, we want to be friends with, serve with, create with the same.

Last time I talked about deciding to make each and every day new - saying - Today I begin a new life! Take a minute - go look in a mirror and say that outloud.

The second step begins with this declaration and builds on the first: (repeat after me)

"I will greet each day with love in my heart."

This is about our attitude towards everything.  We live in a polarized world.  We can either grow or die.  We can be passionate about life or just let is slide by.  We can either love or hate. I believe these are the choices and to not choose to grow is to choose to die.  To choose not to live passionately is to let life slide by.  To choose not to love is to choose to hate.

This decision to greet the day with love is to decide before you get out of bed how you will relate to everyone around you, how you will spend your energy, how you will speak every word.    This decision is a decision as Mandino says to encourage rather than discourage, applaud instead of criticize and to praise instead of gossip.    This decision is to build bridges between people instead of walls for bridges make opportunities rise and walls keep us locked away from success.

How do I do this today?  You start first with yourself - and you tell yourself first that YOU are loved and through the day you will always act like you love yourself.  When you meet someone on the street or in the market or wherever you go think to yourself before you ever speak - "I love this person."
And remember this - to love someone is to expect and desire for them all the good that there is.  To care for them, to see and to meet their needs, to support and build up each one you meet.

The results will be amazing.  Start each day new.  Greet each day with love in your heart.

Watch your world change and have a great day!

Choose this day.....to live with love in your heart!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today I Begin a New Life

One of my very favorite books is Og Mandino's bestseller - The Greatest Salesman in the World.  I was first introduced to this book many years ago when as a Pastor I was needing to supplement my income and began a job as the front desk clerk at a local hotel.  The manager there required all of his staff to read this book. From the maids to the maintenance crew to every desk clerk and sales manager.  He called them the ten commandments of sales - and he was right.  As I put the 10 steps into place in my life, I became a better front desk clerk and hotel employee.  But I was equally pleased that each of the 10 steps made my life as a Pastor more effective too!

For the next few weeks I am going to share some reflections about the steps Mandino puts forth in this book - because I believe if you will live his way your life will be better in every way.  Every way.

Today i want to talk about the first step just a little.  If you want to be better at your job, better in your relationships, better at making a difference in your life, you have to take the first step.  And the first step is to realize and claim that today "I begin a new life." Say it out loud right where you are Today I begin a new life!

This first step sets the stage.  We can't live in the past - we can either learn from it and move forward or let it paralyze us.  We can either seize the new days opportunity or we can let life pass us by.  Because each new day brings a new start we can create good new habits and stop following the impulses that always lead us int trouble.  Because every day allows us to begin a new life we can shed the old skin and has for to long suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity.  Today we get a new start, a new life, a new hope.  Today I begin anew - aiming at the "more" life has to offer.  More joy.  More hope.  More love.  More.

It is a decision - to begin a new life.  To not live in the past.  To not be a slave to that which could have been, to not be chained to the failures of yesterday.  And we have that power - the power to choose.  To choose life.  To choose love.  To choose joy.

Choose this day.....to begin a new life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Connected - it is how we are created to be - 

Connected to God through Jesus.
Connected to the body of Christ - the church
Connected to one another-person to person.

Sunday we spent the morning learning what it means to be connected.  We learned that good connections are R.E.A.L!   We learned that there are 4 Keys to REAL connections!

Key # 1:  Real connections are RELIABLE.
Proverbs 17:17 tells us:  "a friend loves at all times.  
Building relationships that matter really requires dependability.  We can't love sometimes.  Not just when it is convenient.  Not just in the good times.  But at ALL times.  If you want to be REAL - be RELIABLE!

Key # 2:  rEal connections are ENCOURAGING
Do you ever need an encouraging word or a hug that says it is going to be ok?  Well - you are not alone.  People all around you are needing the same thing.  A kind word of assurance.  An act of kindness, a simple touch.  To have good connections we need to learn to be encouraging to the people around us. If you want to be REAL - be ENCOURAGING!   

Key # 3:  reAl connections are AUTHENTIC!
Being authentic means being honest with yourself about who you are! It means not putting up walls or fronts that keep people from knowing us.  Being authentic changes the way people will see us.  It will bring genuineness to our relationships.    If you want to be REAL, be AUTHENTIC!

Key # 4:  reaL connections are LOVING!

If we really want to have great connections, we have to be loving.  Being loving is about watching out for the other guy first.  To make sure the needs of others are being met.  To hear Jesus say - "love one another - as i have loved you" and understand that this is about sacrificing ourselves for the good of others - an not just those you already like and love.  If you want to be REAL, be LOVING!


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Connections - With the Community

How many of you have heard someone say - "I can believe in Jesus and not go to church."?    Almost every Pastor I know when they hear this simply roll their eyes to the back of their heads and walk away.  It is seemingly a death sentence to a conversation.  Because it is so simple it seems to be true.  "Yes, you can," we tend to mutter and give up hopelessly as their is no seemingly good answer.  But we know better.  We know that this person's belief is short term if it is real at all.  We know that the person uttering these words are still focused on themselves and their world.   We know that in all reality, the person uttering these words are afraid of being connected - or are asking you to challenge them enough to help them WANT to be connected.  To give them a good enough WHY to be connected - and ultimately - the HOW to be connected.  I say this because even non-beleivers are wanting to be connected, wanting to have relationships that really matter.

Almost every person I have ever met WANTS to be connected to others in their heart of hearts.  That is because we are created to be in relationship with others.  No one is created in or for isolationism.  No one comes into the family of God by themselves and staying there all alone is impossible too.

There are also some  great advantages for being in the body of Christ - and these should be shared.  Like:

1.  being connected to the church identifies you as a genuine believer.
2.  being connected to the church moves you out of self-centered isolationism.
3.  being connected to the church helps you develop spiritual muscle

Each of these is true.  Being in the community call the Church identifies you as a real believer - it means you belong to the family - you are one of the "in" crowd.  You belong to a group - not just to yourself - that life isn't really just about you, your desires, your goals, your dreams.  And in the body of Christ you can train together to grow stronger.  You can pray together, worship together, study together, grow together.

There is something else.  Not only do you need the body, not only do you need the church -  the church needs you.  That's right - the church needs you.  Your gifts, your talents, your love, your gifts - and more.

Get connected - its good for you - and for the church!

Pastor David

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Connections - Who's Your First?

655 friends on facebook.  355 connections on linked in.  5 very different networking groups.   

My message to you is It Is WHO You Know that matters in life!

There is a very important fact in life for those of us who want to make their lives better.  We have seen this to be true time and time again.  That fact:  


While you are responsible for making the decision and taking the steps towards a better you in 2011, a better you next month, a better you tomorrow,  you can't do it by yourself.  It is going to take connections to make it happen.  

That's what this series is about.  Making the connections to become everything you are designed to be.    You know this come straight from scripture.  As human beings we are designed to be social.  To have relationships.  To depend on one another.  

Today I want to talk a little about the first connection we need.  Where do we start?   I think we start with our connection to God.   The John 14:6 tells us that our first connection is to be Jesus - he is the way, the truth and the life.    

This first connection carries with it amazing benefits. If you are connected to Jesus, then everything God has is available to you (see Gal 4:7)  If you are connected to Jesus then every need will be met (Phil. 4:19).  If you are connected to Jesus, then you will receive the priceless inheritance (1 Peter 1:4)!    And there is more - IF you are connected to Jesus.  


Look at Matthew 9:9-13.  Jesus comes by Matthew's tax collecting booth.  Looks at him and says - "follow me."  Jesus words while important aren't what we need to see.   The words we need to see tell us what Matthew did:  "And he got up and followed him."   That is how you get connected to Jesus - you follow him.  And you follow him like in the child's game - Follow the Leader - you go where Jesus leads, you do what Jesus does.   You talk to him, you listen to him, you follow him.  
One of the coolest things about this is that Jesus never forces the issue.  Nothing made Matthew get up and go.  Nothing makes you go.  It is your choice and your choice alone to make this connection and to make 2011 better than 2010.  

Let me ask this question?  Are you connected?


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Are You Connected?

You have heard the phrase:  "It isn't how much you know that matters - its really WHO you know that matters."   I believe that this statement is really true!  No matter how much you know - there are always others who know more.  Most of us know people who think they know more than enough for all of us - and we can't wait to get away from them!

One of the most important things that I have learned in my almost 30 years of ministry is that knowing Jesus is far more important than knowing about him, that knowing your friend is more important than knowing about them, and that knowing your enemy makes it easier to make them your friend.
I love the story in Luke 10:2-4 about how Jesus is the gatekeeper/shepherd - and the sheep follow him - because they know him, they know his voice.   In John 14 we read about how we come to know God - through knowing Jesus his son.    We are reminded again and again that "knowing" someone is about more than know about them.

One day at a fancy banquet the great voice Charleton Heston stood up to read his favorite passage of scripture - the 23rd Psalm.  It was magnificent and beautiful.  Then another man got up to read scripture and it was the same.  His voice was not beautiful or loud - not nearly as impressive - but as he quoted and recited the words it became evident that he was truly moved.  Heston stood and led the applause to the man's beautiful testimony and Heston spoke one last comment.....  "I knew the words on the page,....but this man knew the shepherd."

Our connections are vitally important.  Our one connection with Jesus is the most important of all.  Are you connected?

Blessings on the journey!

Pastor David

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Surrender - Part 3!

1 part commitment to living as a living sacrifice.
1 part identifying which God you are going to love with all your heart.
3 parts Surrender
=  a Life pleasing to God. 

Sound easy?  I don't think so.  Last week I said 2 parts surrender - your past and your future.  Today - there is a third surrender.  What else is there you ask?  What doesn't fit in the past or the future?  How about - YOUR substitutes.  What?  What substitutes. 

You know what I mean - all those things you have that you keep putting in the place of God - or in the way of your following him. 

Let's make a short list of what those substitutes could be:
your job
your cash flow
your heritage
your home
your addiction - (food, drugs, alcohol, etc....)
your church (yes)

You can make this list as long as you want.  But the fact of the matter is there is an endless number of possiblitites.  Anything you can put the word "your" or "my" in front of can become a substitute for the real thing.  It is the dilemma of the rich young ruler.  Hungry for more real food we reach for anthing we can get to our mouth - to our soul - but if we have too much to choose from we will never surrender - anything of real value. 

 Here is the reality:  no matter who we say we worship - we really worship what we believe deep down gives us life.  How do we know?  How do we know what we are really worshiping?  Here are places to look: 
Where do you spend your time?
Your money?
What do you feel you can't live without?
Where do you turn when you are frustrated or empty?

If you are thirsty for the water of life - you have to go to the ever-living spring.  (Jeremiah 2:10-13)  And you have to surrender everything that gets in the way.  

Keep taking the steps!

Pastor David

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Surrender - Part 2!

On the journey to living a life pleasing to God - we have found a series of steps and on this journey we have found:

Step 1:  Make your life a living Sacrifice - Romans 12:1.  This is about being all in - a whole person involvement in becoming the person God wants us to be.

Step 2:  Deciding on and committing to the God that is big enough to create the universe and caring enough to love each one of us.  See Psalm 145 for a description of this kind of God. 

Step 3:  Surrendering Our Past.   This means to stop holding on to the things from our past - and most of us have things that we don't want to let go of.   The longer we hold on to things that keep us from being fully committed to serving God the tighter our grip seems to get.

Step 4:  Surrendering our Future:    Even if we do give up, surrender our past there is more for us to surrender - including our future.  We all want to think that we have one.  Jeremiah 29:10 says that God has one for us.  The problem is that we don't always see the future God has for us.  We see only the future we have created.  And the future we have created is always filled with us!  It's about us, serves us, celebrates us.    In order to truly have the future God has for us we have to surrender the futures we have created for us.

I wonder - who's future for you do you think will be better? 

Pastor David -

Monday, January 31, 2011


Listen to this story that I had the honor of hearing:

A woman came into a courtroom asking for orders against her ex-husband. She was haggard with emotion, nervous and upset to the point that she seemed ill. Trembling, she related at length how bad her ex-husband was, how ever since their divorce he had been poisoning her son’s mind against her and was constantly interfering with their relationship.

She seemed a bit old to have a young child at home, so the attorney interrupted and asked the age of her son.
"He’s just turned 32," she said.
"Oh," said the attorney, "And how long ago was the divorce?"
"About 17 years," she said.
This woman had made her divorce a career, a way of life! 
Do you know of anyone like this?  Does this sound like anyone you know?  Is it you?

This woman and many like her are trapped in a prison of idolatry - because the focus here is herself.  It is her story, her life, her topic - I can tell you that people avoid this woman like the plague because of her self-centeredness.   Wholeness will never come to her until she surrenders - and it is true for each one of us too - wholeness, health, life will never come to us until we surrender that which is keeping us the center of our own attention

Truth is it isn't just about the negative things like divorce, death, depression, addictions, that keep us in the prison of self.  Good things like our families, churches, jobs, money, possessions also keep us from being free.  These must be surrendered just like the bad things, they keep us focused on ourselves, instead of God.

Surrender today.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Have you joined the journey the last two weeks? Have you been thinking about what it means if life isn’t about you?

So many have been told all of our lives that life is about “ me” – and that it is what I think and about what I do that is important. But there it is – one line at the beginning of a powerful book: “It’s not about you.”

The journey has started with focus? Where do we look? Who is God in our lives? Is it me or is it somthing I possess? Is it cash or a job? Family or social standing? What is God in our lives? Who is God in our lives? This is a very important question for each one of us. I think it has a relatively easy answer that I would like to share. Our God is the person, place or thing that we turn to in our hour of need. Where do you turn when there seems to be nowhere else to turn? The answer to this question is your God.

Even those in the church have a hard time with this question, maybe most of all. We are supposed to have “the” answer, the God of gods! But I also know that I have kept God in my little “God-Box’ many a time, when if I had simply let him out to be powerful, life-changing, life-giving my life would have been hugely different.

When faced with a trial, a temptation, a struggle or in the face of suffering we often turn to our own strength, our own devices, our own answers instead of trusting the one who is big enough to take care of all the issues. Even life-long church members are known to only go to the Lord in prayer as a last ditch effort.

Today I want to encourage you to answer the question:

“Who is my God?”

I hope you will answer this question with Psalmist’s answer found in Psalm 145:

I will extol you, my God and King, and bless your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you, and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall laud your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. The might of your awesome deeds shall be proclaimed, and I will declare your greatness. They shall celebrate the fame of your abundant goodness, and shall sing aloud of your righteousness. The Lord is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made. All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your faithful shall bless you.

Have a great week -

Pastor David

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This is the first line in Rick Warren's book - The Purpose Driven Life and in my opinion it is one of the most powerful lines ever written and here is why.

Each and everyone of us has two choices in life - we can choose to live for ourselves or we can choose to live for God. Now I know - we have lots of sub-categories that we think tell the world we are living for others... - things like our job, our families, our children, even our church. But all of these things - are about ourselves. So there two choices for who we are going to live for.

The choices I believe are choices of focus. We can focus on ourselves, our desires or we can focus on God and God's desires. Scripture tells us clearly that we can live for one or the other - but not for both. (Matt. 6:24) So which will it be for you? If life is really just about me - then it is just about you and I don't think it really can be both. Because we already know that if it is only about me - or only about you - then we will want what we want and won't care about what the other one gets - as long as we get ours...... It becomes a rather vicious circle really very quickly! But if it is about pleasing God instead of ourselves, then how we live will change - our focus will change from what "I" want to what God wants. Now here is the really cool thing - God wants you to have it all. Love, joy, peace, patience, faithfulness, happiness, understanding, hope, (Galatians 6:22) and more.

When we focus on what God wants for us do you know what happens? We get it all - Abundantly -(John 10:10) We end up being the blessed ones.

So what are you focused on today? Yourself & your own desires or God - and God's desires for you? Who do you think knows best?

Join us on the adventure - and live life to please God!

Pastor David